Every year, Holy Trinity school has competitive and solid basketball teams. Currently, there are three teams each for girls and boys, two B teams, and one varsity.
Throughout the season, the B team coaches prepare the players for the varsity level. On the B team players develop skills and fundamentals from practices to the court. The coaches teach the players by analyzing their mistakes. The B team is also a good chance to interact, have fun with others, and play games against other schools. Everyone gets to play in every game because it is a CYO rule. All of the teams play each other in their CYO league.
Sometimes, HT teams join outside leagues and tournaments. At the varsity level, coaches take the games very seriously and not everyone gets to play. The coaches want to win and they prepare the player for high school basketball. Often, the HT varsity teams make the playoffs at the end of the season.
The Girls Varsity Basketball Team had a great season. The girls built a strong bond and had many memories. Even though the girls lost some games they said: “It was awesome playing with the team and building an incredible bond.”
Every time the girls got on the court they always had smiles on their faces and were ready to go out and win. Some of the girls played many different positions. Some teams they played were Fatima, American Martyrs, Nativity and many more. The girls advanced to the playoffs but lost in the second round.
When they played in there Martin Luther King tournament they advanced to the championship and lost to Fatima. Even though the girls lost they were happy that they made it that far out of a lot of teams.
The girls would like to thank coach Scott and coach Dennis for a great season and leading the girls to playoffs. Go Chargers!
The boys 5th-grade basketball team was a fun, challenging experience. They always worked together as a team and never gave up. At times, they were down by 20 points but still played and made the most fun out of it.
They said that their games usually consisted of a lot of passing. They also said their favorite part of practice was a drill called pickle. The drill pickle is very similar to the baseball drill.