(310) 833-0703     admin@holytrinityschoolsp.com

San Pedro, CA

Social Justice

Our school fosters the worth of the individual and promotes a strong sense of personal and social responsibility. Holy Trinity provides an educational experience which prepares our students academically, morally, spiritually, and socially for high school and a full Christian life. Holy Trinity stresses intellectual and spiritual discipline, as well as physical well being. We also value compassion. responsibility, generosity, and idealism. Our school extends to students a means of personal growth by providing a rigorous academic, physical, and spiritual program in an atmosphere of courtesy and concern for the individual.

Holy Trinity fosters an environment where students are encouraged to use their gifts and talents in service to others. Students apply Catholic social teachings in real world experiences. This spirit of service to others is accomplished in a variety of ways:

The school conducts food drives to benefit the local community regularly. The Holy Trinity Student Council sponsors monthly “Free Dress” days for $2.00. These funds are donated to local families or charities each month. They also help out special events, like the Los Angeles Police Department’s Helping Badge Program where toys, gift cards, and canned goods were donated by our student body to help local families during the holidays.

Our Jog-a-Thon funds are used to support several charities such as ALS, Diabetes, SIDS, Autism, American Cancer Society, and several other foundations. Each classroom or grade also has a social justice project that they complete each year. An example is the first grade holds an annual Pet Show to raise funds for the Make A Wish Foundation.

Our chapter of the California Junior Scholarship Foundation supports the Get on the Bus program. This program supplies backpacks for children filled with items needed for a trip to visit a parent in prison.

The entire school writes letters to soldiers at Christmas and Valentines Day, and helps out any way needed for our school families and the community.

Social Justice

by: Robert (Student)

At Holy Trinity, we are called to serve. Through Social Justice, we at Holy Trinity help others such by donating to the poor or volunteering in the community. At Holy Trinity School, there is a food drive for Thanksgiving and for Christmas. The food is donated to the poor. One year, the fifth-grade class gave presents to a family. The seventh grade collected money for Heifer International.

In the fall, kindergartners collected candy for the troops. At Christmas, the fifth grade provided Christmas toys for children at For The Child. At Holy Trinity School, the sixth graders participated in a service project called the Thirst Project. This project helped gain money to build wells in Africa. Every month, there is a day where the student body dresses casually for two dollars. During the year every class is involved in a service project.