Holy Trinity offers a full academic curriculum including Religion, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and History/Social Studies. For our core curriculum, grades kindergarten through fifth are in self-contained classrooms. Sixth through eighth grades are departmentalized. Specialized instruction is offered in Music, Physical Education, and Computer Education which includes Writing Starz in grades K-3, and grades 4-8 receive instruction in the Mac Computer Laboratory. This laboratory has 40 computers, which all have internet access, leading to highly interactive and focused integrated learning.
An important part of the school’s spiritual teaching involves Sacramental Preparation. We consider the teaching and practice of religious values and beliefs a priority.
Holy Trinity School philosophy states, “We recognize and value the uniqueness, dignity, and basic goodness of each individual as a child of God.” With this in mind, we attempt to impart to our students a sense of the unconditional love of God and a certainty of their own self-worth.” As a school, we create programs and constantly evaluate and redevelop our curriculum to try to best meet all students’ learning needs. We believe our math program is a clear example of this.
At Holy Trinity School we want each child to reach their maximum potential. The Advanced Math Program s Middle School students to take higher level math classes.
In 2005, we created a Math Lab with smaller class size. In our Math Lab, a math specialist works with those students in grades three through five who need additional help. The students attending the Math Lab receive small group instruction in multiple ways. Students are taught by teacher demonstration at the board and by being able to write problems on individual whiteboards. “Hands-on” instruction includes the use of clocks, money, fraction cubes, geometric shapes, and numbers and operation signs. For upper division students with identified needs, our Resource Teacher works in small groups in the classroom with these students to provide accommodations and special help. Our goal is to build the students’ mastery of math concepts and skills to build their self-esteem through succeeding in math. Success builds self-worth.
At Holy Trinity School, we do recognize the uniqueness of each student and strive to meet the unique learning needs of all. We feel that this innovative math program is making great strides to help us accomplish our mission of an unconditional love of God and a certainty of each student’s self-worth.
Student Learning Expectations (SLEs) guide our program development and enable our students to stay focused on long-term goals for growth. See our SLEs here.
Our Elementary Curriculum is the foundation that guides our K-5 program.
Our Middle School Curriculum gives Holy Trinity students the skills needed to succeed in high school with advanced and interactive programs to build the whole student.