–Samuel McDonnell, Supervisor of Airport Operations, United Airlines, LAX
–Lareina Pedriquez, Physician
Through differentiated instruction and the integration of technology in all subject areas, students at Holy Trinity are engaged in learning. The school offers a STREAM-centered curriculum: Science, Technology, Reading/Religion, Art/Athletics, and Math. For our core curriculum, kindergarten through fifth grades are in self-contained classrooms. Sixth through Eighth grades are departmentalized. Specialized instruction includes PE, Music, Spanish, Computer Lab, Science Labs, and Sacramental Preparation.
Kindergarten through fifth grade students participate in weekly hands-on science experiments with a specialized science teacher. Classroom teachers teach the lesson and coordinate with the specialist so children are prepared for the weekly experiment. Middle school engages in significant engineering projects and all students are involved in inquiry-based lessons and experiments with a dedicated science teacher. Holy Trinity students are excited about science! With each lesson, lab, or mini-lab, students are applying impressive critical thinking skills and asking informed questions.
Many technological resources are integrated into the learning experience of Holy Trinity students. Each classroom features an Eno interactive whiteboard that teachers use to engage students through Internet- and video-centered interactive activities. Teacher websites and the SchoolSpeak portal give students access to digital resources that expand upon the curriculum. Students in all grades use Chromebooks for Internet research, reading, web-based labs and activities, and typing. They use iPads in centers for research and filming. Students use the Accelerated Reader online program to promote and measure independent reading. In addition, teachers use a variety of educational websites to engage students, including LearnZillion, Catholic Telemedia Network (CTN), Brain Pop, and Mathletics. Websites, such as NewsELA and Common Lit are used to locate tiered readings to differentiate instruction. Students use Google Docs as a word processor, to collaborate with fellow students, and to submit work. Coding is taught beginning in fourth grade.
Holy Trinity students in Kindergarten through fifth grades use the Wonders Reading Program, which is aligned to the Common Core State Standards and designed to deepen students’ understanding of text. The program achieves this through both Close Reading and leveled readers for each grade level. Leveled readers allow teachers to differentiate instruction, thus increasing students’ ability to read rigorously using complex text. The program also includes access to an online component that students can use for practice at home.
Other components of our reading program include DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) to foster a love of reading in students in first through eighth grades, Junior Scholastic readers, leveled readers, and differentiated text selection. Middle school reading curriculum is mostly non-textbook based, and includes informational texts, short stories, novels, and Shakespearean plays.
The Catholic faith is at the heart of Holy Trinity School. Faith and prayer are emphasized every day, beginning with a school-wide prayer each morning and continuing throughout the day. Catholic doctrine and the religion curriculum re also integrated into other academic areas. A focus on gratitude and sportsmanship prevails throughout the school community. Students attend Mass weekly as a class and monthly as a student body, and take part in special religious ceremonies throughout the year.
Holy Trinity students explore engineering concepts in math, science, and technology. Students in math and science classes use computers to explore engineering concepts and solve problems. Middle School students have the opportunity to further expand on their understanding of engineering concepts in the TAG (Talented and Gifted) Program.
Art is an integral part of the curriculum. A professional artist explores unique art experiences with our students in preschool through fifth grades, and parent art docents enhance the art curriculum through the Art to Grow On program for all grades. Throughout the year, students work individually and in groups to learn art history and experiment in a variety of mediums and techniques. The year culminates with an Art Show displaying students’ work for friends and family.
Student-athletes at Holy Trinity have an amazing array of athletic opportunities to choose from, including football, swimming, and archery . The program fields 23 teams to provide students with many opportunities for involvement.The football team is a perennial CYO playoff final four contender and has played in championship games of the FIYA League in the Coliseum. The archery team won the championship its first year.
Holy Trinity’s math program focuses on real-world problem solving and computation skills using Simple Solutions, which adheres to the Common Core State Standards. The math program incorporates technology through the use of teaching videos, lessons in the lab, and the Mathletics Program.